Friday, October 30, 2009

泰式炒米粉 Thai Style Fried Mee Hoon

这个TomYam 炒米粉的食谱摘自《夜市风味美食》一书。很合我家的胃口,而且又惹味!喜欢鱼露的朋友们,值得一试!

材料 : (4-5人份)
400g 米粉,浸软,沥干
100g 虾米,浸软,剁碎

调味 :

做法 :
1. 烧热油爆香虾米,加入香茅,洋葱炒香,再加入辣椒,辣椒糊和米粉拌炒。

2. 加入调味料小火炒匀至软。

3. 最后放入枫柑叶丝炒匀即可上桌。

Ingredients : (Serves : 4-5 persons)
400g meehoon, soaked until soft and drained
100g dried prawn, soaked and chopped
3 stalks lemongrass, chopped
4 onions, peeled and shredded
4 pieces kaffir lime leafe, finely shredded
2 red chillies, shredded
2 tbsp. chilli boh

Seasoning :
1/2 tsp. salt
5 tbsp. fish sauce
3 tbsp. sugar
150ml lime juice

Method :
1. Heat up oil and saute dried prawn until fragrant. Add in lemongrass, onions and stir-fry until aromatic. Add in red chillies, chilli boh, meehoon and stir well.

2. Add in seasoning and stir-fry at low heat until meehoon is soft.

3. Lastly mix in shredded kaffir lime leaves. Dish up and serve.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

酸甜扒石斑鱼 Sweet and Sour Deep-Fried Fish


材料 :
一尾 鱼 (图中所示是石斑鱼,可用马友仔)...1 Fresh Fish (Garoupa fish or MaYao is recommended)
半颗番茄,切粒....1/2 tomato, diced
一颗洋葱,切粒....1 onion, diced

调味 :
番茄酱 3大匙....3 tbsp. tomato sauce
辣椒酱 1大匙....1 tbsp. chilly sauce
糖 1大匙....1 tbsp. sugar
胡椒粉 适量....Some pepper
水 200ml....200ml water
黍粉 1小匙 (如果酱汁太稀,可勾个芡).... 1 tsp. corn flour (for thickening)

煮法 :
1. 热油锅,把鱼煎透,捞起沥干油。
Heat up oil, deep-fry the fish until crispy, drain and dry.

2. 剩少许油,爆香洋葱粒,加入番茄粒拌炒,放入调味煮熟,淋在鱼上即可上桌。
Leave some oil in wok, saute diced onion until fragrant, add in tomato and seasoning until cooked, pour onto the crispy fish. Serve.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

鱼露蒸鱼 Fish Sauce Steam Fish

当我蒸鱼时,我很爱加鱼露。 你不会想象它蒸出来的味道是这么的清甜,还能提出鱼的鲜味呢!
I love to add fish sauce when steam fish. It can even bring out the good taste of the fish!

做法 : 鱼洗净,抹少许盐和胡椒粉,姜葱切丝铺在鱼上,加点滚水,再加几滴雨露。如上的马友鱼片,大火蒸8分钟即可熄火。

Method : Wash the fish, rub with a little salt and pepper, sprinkle ginger slice on top, add 2 tbsp. of boiled water and few drops of fish sauce/gravy. Steamed fish with high heat for 8 mins. until cooked. Sprinkle sauted shallot and serve hot.


Monday, October 26, 2009

自制嫩滑蛋豆腐 Homemade Egg Bean Curd

这道滑蛋豆腐是巴刹卖豆酱水的老板娘教我的,不过她建议蒸了再煎,我则另作改变,去巴刹真的得益不浅哦! 来吧!今天就蒸个自制的豆腐给家人,这道菜的失败率比起家常的蒸水蛋低,非常鼓励大家去试试。

材料A :
无糖豆浆水 500ml
鸡蛋 5粒
盐 1/2茶匙
胡椒粉 少许

材料B :
鸡肉肉/猪肉碎 100g
蒜茸 2粒
葱粒 少许

调味 :
生抽 1大匙
糖 1/2茶匙
胡椒粉 少许

做法 :
1. A : 将全部材料轻轻搅拌均匀(不要把蛋和豆浆打到起泡),滤过倒入蒸盘,用小火蒸1/2小时。建议用保鲜膜紧紧覆盖在蒸盘上,会使效果更好,再用一根汤匙或筷子夹在锅盖边,以免太大的火候影响豆腐的嫩滑度。如果依照以上的做法,成功率会是99%。

2. B : 肉碎用盐,胡椒粉,麻油和黍粉稍微腌过备用。烧热油,爆香蒜茸,加入肉碎拌炒,如果太干,可加一小匙水,待熟后放入调味和一半的葱粒炒至均匀。

3. 把B轻轻盖在A上,撒上剩余的葱粒即可上桌。


Saturday, October 24, 2009

皮蛋瘦肉粥 Pork & Century Egg Porridge



材料 :
肉眼 200g....200g lean pork
清猪骨/鸡汤 1大碗....1 big bowl chicken/pork stock
皮蛋 1粒....1 century egg
咸蛋 1粒....1 salted egg
姜片 6片....6 ginger slice

调味 :
Salt, light soya sauce, pepper.

佐料 :
Spring onion(diced), Ginger(shredded), Shallot(saute).

做法 :
1. 肉眼用盐腌30分钟。 米粒洗净,倒入清鸡汤和适量的水,加入姜片一起煮。 待粥煮滚后,加入肉块,煮至熟透,捞起切薄片。
Marinate lean pork with some salt for 30 mins. Wash rice, add in chicken/pork stock, water, ginger slice and cook. When porridge started boiling, add in marinade lean pork, boiled until cooked and drain. Cut cooked lean pork into thin slice.

2. 咸蛋洗净,用水煮熟(也可放入粥内一起煮),待熟后捞起;皮蛋和熟咸蛋切碎备用。
Wash salted egg, boil until cooked (can be added into porridge and cook together), drain; peeled centruy egg, diced both eggs.

3. 当粥熬到快熟时,加入肉片,切碎了的皮蛋和咸蛋,约煮2分钟,调味即可熄火。
When the porridge is ready, add in pork slice, diced eggs, cook for another 2 mins. Serve hot.

Add in some ginger slice, diced spring onion and sauted shallot will bring the porridge more delicious...

Friday, October 23, 2009

冬瓜龙眼罗汉果 Winter Melon Soup


材料 :
冬瓜 300g....300g Winter Melon, Shredded
龙眼干 1小杯....1 cup Dry Longan
罗汉果 1粒....1 Lo Hon Gor
蜜枣 4粒.....4 Sweet Dates
水 3 litre.... 3 litre Water
冰糖/黄糖适量....Some Rock Sugar/gula perang

做法 :
1. 把冬瓜刨丝,用手把它榨干水分;罗汉果洗净,放入冬瓜丝和蜜枣大火煮滚后,再转中火继续煮,锅盖半掩。
Squeeze water out from shredded winter melon; washed lo hon gor, add in shredded winter melon and sweet dates cook with high heat, turn to medium heat after boiled.
2. 约煮了1 1/2小时,加入龙眼干,待15分钟后就可调味,加入适量的冰糖或黄糖。放入冰厨当冷食也很美味。
Cook 1 1/2 hour, add in dry longan; after 15 mins. season with rock sugar/gula perang and cook until dissolved. Tasted good serve with hot or cold.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

香酥猪扒 Crispy Pork Chop


材料 : Ingredients :
500g肉眼, 切片状 500g pork chop, cut into slice
3大匙蒜茸 3 tbsp. chopped garlic
2大匙葱头仔碎 2 tbsp. chopped shallots
1大匙姜碎 1 tbsp. chopped ginger
3大匙黍粉 3 tbsp. corn flour

腌料 : Marinade :
1/2小匙盐 1/2 tsp. salt
1粒蛋 1 whole egg
3大匙姜汁 3 tpsp. ginger juice
少许麻油和胡椒粉 some sesame oil & pepper

酱汁 : Seasoning Sauce :
1大匙蚝油 1 tbsp. oyster sauce
1大匙生抽 1 tbsp. soya sauce
1小匙糖 1 tsp. sugar
100ml水 100ml water
1/2 tsp. corn flour mix with 1 tbsp. water for thickening.

做法 :
1. 肉眼用刀拍松,加入腌料拌匀腌隔夜。
Pound pork chops with knife until tender. Mix with marinade and marinate for overnight.

2. 热锅油,爆香蒜茸,葱头碎和姜碎,炸至金黄色捞起沥干油。 肉眼沾上黍粉,放入油锅炸至金黄色及熟透, 捞起备用。
Heat up oil, deep-fry the chopped garlic, shallots and ginger until aromatic and golden brown, dish and drain. Coat pork chop with corn flour, deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown, dish and drain.

3. 剩少许油在锅中,倒入酱汁煮滚,勾芡,淋上猪扒,撒上爆香了的蒜茸,即可上桌。
Leave some oil in wok, pour in seasoning sauce and bring to boil. Thicken with corn flour water and pour the gravy over pork chops, sprinkle the aromatic chopped garlic. Serve.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

肉骨茶 Bak Kut Teh

又是很简单容易的晚餐,一锅熟的肉骨茶配白饭就可以了! 随时能加进不同的食材。

把猪骨和汤包一指示煲好,倒入沙煲加入蘑菇,豆卜,金针菇,腐竹片和菜类,加点蚝油和黑酱油即可。 依个人喜好加入猪尾,排骨和汤包预先煮好也可以。 这里,我只用了猪骨和猪尾,因为家里人口少能放的材料有限。。。而且还有其他的菇类和蔬菜。

Very simple and easy dish...just a pot of Bak Kut Teh and plain rice for dinner! Delicious, tasty and full of varieties of ingredients. You may add in any part of pork as to suit your favourites, as well as the vegies and mushrooms...

I love to add more vegies and mushrooms, with this pot, I only added pork ribs and pork tail to cook the soup. After the soup done, transfer to a claypot and add in the vegies and mushrooms boil again until cooked, season with some oyster sauce and thick soya sauce, that's it!