Tuesday, October 20, 2009

肉骨茶 Bak Kut Teh

又是很简单容易的晚餐,一锅熟的肉骨茶配白饭就可以了! 随时能加进不同的食材。

把猪骨和汤包一指示煲好,倒入沙煲加入蘑菇,豆卜,金针菇,腐竹片和菜类,加点蚝油和黑酱油即可。 依个人喜好加入猪尾,排骨和汤包预先煮好也可以。 这里,我只用了猪骨和猪尾,因为家里人口少能放的材料有限。。。而且还有其他的菇类和蔬菜。

Very simple and easy dish...just a pot of Bak Kut Teh and plain rice for dinner! Delicious, tasty and full of varieties of ingredients. You may add in any part of pork as to suit your favourites, as well as the vegies and mushrooms...

I love to add more vegies and mushrooms, with this pot, I only added pork ribs and pork tail to cook the soup. After the soup done, transfer to a claypot and add in the vegies and mushrooms boil again until cooked, season with some oyster sauce and thick soya sauce, that's it!