材料 : Ingredients :
500g肉眼, 切片状 500g pork chop, cut into slice
3大匙蒜茸 3 tbsp. chopped garlic
2大匙葱头仔碎 2 tbsp. chopped shallots
1大匙姜碎 1 tbsp. chopped ginger
3大匙黍粉 3 tbsp. corn flour
腌料 : Marinade :
1/2小匙盐 1/2 tsp. salt
1粒蛋 1 whole egg
3大匙姜汁 3 tpsp. ginger juice
少许麻油和胡椒粉 some sesame oil & pepper
酱汁 : Seasoning Sauce :
1大匙蚝油 1 tbsp. oyster sauce
1大匙生抽 1 tbsp. soya sauce
1小匙糖 1 tsp. sugar
100ml水 100ml water
1/2 tsp. corn flour mix with 1 tbsp. water for thickening.
做法 :
1. 肉眼用刀拍松,加入腌料拌匀腌隔夜。
Pound pork chops with knife until tender. Mix with marinade and marinate for overnight.
2. 热锅油,爆香蒜茸,葱头碎和姜碎,炸至金黄色捞起沥干油。 肉眼沾上黍粉,放入油锅炸至金黄色及熟透, 捞起备用。
Heat up oil, deep-fry the chopped garlic, shallots and ginger until aromatic and golden brown, dish and drain. Coat pork chop with corn flour, deep-fry in hot oil until golden brown, dish and drain.
3. 剩少许油在锅中,倒入酱汁煮滚,勾芡,淋上猪扒,撒上爆香了的蒜茸,即可上桌。
Leave some oil in wok, pour in seasoning sauce and bring to boil. Thicken with corn flour water and pour the gravy over pork chops, sprinkle the aromatic chopped garlic. Serve.
This look really yummy
ReplyDeleteWah, crispy pork chop....I like leh!
ReplyDeleteHi Pete, welcome to my blog! Tks for sharing :-)
ReplyDeleteIf marinade that time pour some Lea & Perrin sauce and lesser soya sauce , what u think?
ReplyDeletePoh Kiat : Yes, you may do so but will be a different taste come out. Lea & Perrin carries a bit spicy and mint taste, i dun add soya sauce when marinating, if this dish cook without sauce, then the pork chop can be marinated with stronger seasoning.