很多人有时会因为需要用到一点沙葛作馅料而买了一大粒回来, 然后又不知道要煮什么了。。。惟有焖了它做菜。 我时常都会预备一些小点心在冰厨里,偶尔可以做给家人吃。 而且不用一次煎完,可以储放在冰厨,要吃时才拿出馅料和皮卷起来煎,是很方便的。。。不妨尝一尝!
材料 :
沙葛, 切丝
调味 :
盐,胡椒粉,鸡粉, 糖。
做法 :
1. 馅料 :热油,爆香虾米,蒜米,加入沙葛丝,萝卜丝拌炒,放入调味炒匀。盛起待冷。
2. 将一大匙馅料放入春卷皮卷起。 馅料不可以太湿以免把弄破,炸时就会露馅。
3. 热一锅油,放入春卷炸至金黄色, 捞起沥干油份。趁热配搭辣椒酱更美味。
Ingredients :
Spring roll skin (Frozen)
Sengkuang, shredded
Carrots, shredded
Dried prawns, diced
Garlic, chopped
Seasoning :
Salt, Pepper, Chicken Powder, Sugar.
1. Filling : Heat up oil and saute dried prawns and garlic until fragrant. Add in sengkuang and carrots stir-fry until cooked. Mix well with seasoning and stir-fry evenly. Leave to cool.
2. Scoop 1 tbsp. of filling on the skin and roll up for deep frying. The filling should not too wet to avoid the skin from tearing.
3. Heat up oil for deep-frying, put in the spring rolls and fry until golden brown. Dish and drain. Serve hot with chilli sauce.
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