100g 肉碎
50g 虾,切粒
10个 豆卜,切开一边,稍微挖空中心
3颗 小白菜,泡水洗净
1瓣 蒜,剁碎
调味 :
1大匙 豆瓣酱
1/2茶匙 糖
1/2茶匙 黍粉
1/2茶匙 盐
做法 :
1. 用少许盐,胡椒粉,麻油和黍粉攉匀肉碎和虾粒。 把少许的肉碎虾粒逐渐镶进掏空了的豆卜里,抹平表面。
2. 热油锅,把镶好的豆卜倒立而煎,待肉馅8分熟,再翻过来煎至豆卜脆口,沥干排盘。
3. 把小白菜汆烫捞起,围着豆卜排盘。 热少许油,爆香蒜蓉,放入豆瓣酱,糖和水煮滚,淋在盘中央。
This looks just great. I'm waiting for the translation...u know me, cannot read chinese unless have to ask my kids to translate it haaaa!!!
ReplyDeleteThis tofu stuffed with meat, you can also serve with Thai chili sauce with shredded cucumber, chili and big onion, very nice too.
ReplyDeleteSonia : yaya...but kids cant eat spicy food..so have to thnk another way lo..n this toufu can overturn n stuffed it then fried also very nice to eat with thai chilli sauce.
ReplyDeleteHi : Penny
Magarate : 嗨!噢。。太棒了!谢谢你的捧场和支持!我会加油的!但是最近在弟弟的公司工作有忙一点,所以有点偷懒!不过不会忘记大家的支持!