材料 :
鸡蛋 4粒(B级)
虾仁 半碗(小虾)
红萝卜 半条(切丝)
大葱 一粒(切丝)
调味 :
盐 1/2茶匙
糖 1/4茶匙
胡椒粉 少许
鱼露 1/2茶匙(如没有,可则免)
做法 :
1. 热少许油,依次序把大葱丝,红萝卜丝,虾仁炒过后,剩入搅拌好的鸡蛋里拌匀。加入所有的调味再拌匀好蛋液备用。
2. 再热少许油,舀一大勺的(1)进入锅中,慢火把一面给煎透后再翻面(要快手一点)。用锅煎把蛋饼轻压,可以让蛋身快熟一点,以免外透内湿,影响口感。 两面都煎到金黄色后即可盛盘上桌。
hi penny, do you know how exactly the way going to balakong? if you are using the highway directed to kajang, after the 90sen toll, keep left and turn right into balakong. a little further you will see the traffic light again, turn right into it and go straight. the satay and the porridge will be on ur left. as for the tong shui, after turning right from the traffic light, turn left into the housing area, after the basketball court on ur left, turn left again. go straight til you saw the taller buiding on ur left. turn into right and it will be located near a badminton court/stadium.
ReplyDeletedo hope you can understand my direction, i will try to find out and address so that you can google :)