材料 - Ingredients :
肉碎 - 300g - Minced Meat
马鲛梅香咸鱼(煎香,切碎)- 50g - Mackerel Mui Heong Salted Fish (Pan-fried, chopped)
姜丝 - 1 tbsp - Shredded Ginger
青葱丝 - 2 tbsp - Shredded Spring Onion
调味料 - Seasoning :
生抽 - 1tsp - Light Soya Sauce
糖 - 1/2 tsp - Sugar
少许绍兴酒和胡椒粉 - Dash of Shaoxing Wine and pepper
黍粉 - 1 tbsp - Corn Flour
适量生菜铺底 - Some lettuce leaves for garnishing
做法 - Method :
1. 全部材料用大碗盛起,加入调味料充分拌匀至起胶。
--- Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl, add in seasoning and stir until the mixture is sticky.
2. 将肉茸做成1/2cm厚的小圆肉饼状。
--- Divide minced meat mixture into small portions. Shape into 1/2cm thick round patties.
3. 烧热5大匙油,放入肉饼煎至两面金黄色,即可用已铺上生菜的碟盛起享用。
--- Heat up 5 tbsp oil, put in meat patties and pan-fry until both sides are golden brown. Dish onto a platter lined with lettuce leaves. Serve.