以下的分量可供(4-5人份)- Portion below for 4-5 person serving
材料 - Ingredients :
老鼠粉 - 1 kg - Loh Su Fun
鱼饼 - 1片/1 bar - Fish Cake (cut in slice)
鸡肉/猪肉(切条)- 50g - Chicken/Pork (cut in slice)
虾仁 - 50g - Prawns (wash and drain)
鸡蛋 - 2粒 - Eggs
豆芽 - 100g - Sprouts (wash and drain)
蒜茸 - 1tbsp - Chopped Garlic
调味料- Seasoning :
盐 - 1 tsp - Salt
生抽 - 1 tsp - Light Soy Sauce
糖 - 1/2 tsp - Sugar
晒油 - 1/2 tsp - Dark Soy Sauce
胡椒粉适量 - Dash of Pepper
作法 - Method :
1. 鱼饼,猪肉/鸡肉切条,肉条用少许盐,胡椒粉和黍粉稍微腌过。虾仁去壳洗净,豆芽处理过洗净沥干备用。
--- Fish cake and meat cut in slice, marinate meat with some salt, pepper and corn flour. Shelled the prawn, wash and drain.
2. 热油锅,把鸡蛋炒过盛起。再热油锅,依次把虾仁,肉条,芽菜个别炒过盛起备用。
--- Heat up some oil, fry egg and dish out. Heat wok again with little oil, fry prawns, sliced meat, sprouts respectively, remove for later use.
3. 热油锅,爆香蒜茸,加入100ml的水煮滚,放入调味,加入老鼠粉炒匀,再加入炒好的鱼饼,肉条,虾仁,鸡蛋拌炒,最后,加入芽菜再炒匀即可。
--- Heat wok with little oil, saute chopped garlic, add in 100ml water to boil, add in seasoning and Loh Su Fun, stir well. Add in the remaining prepared ingredients(sprout will be the last to add in)and stir fry till gravy is almost thicken, dish and serve.
Note : The ingredients are up to own favourites. Normally, I use very little seasoning, it is adjustable to your own preferances always.