Friday, August 28, 2009

滑蛋河粉 Cantonese Fried Noodle

Every Thursday night, I will normally cook some simple dish as I've got Latin Dance class...this is what I prepare tonight for hubby and kids...滑蛋河粉。

材料 :(其实配料很随个人喜好而加入,我都是迁就家里小孩的胃口)
粿条 (可选择幼板或粗板,分量视人数而定)
清鸡汤 1大碗 (可用猪骨或江鱼仔汤)- 如果没有清鸡汤,可用水加入蚝油和少许糖。
苏东 1尾,切小块 (可用虾)
梅肉 100g, 切薄片,稍微用盐,胡椒粉和黍粉腌制
鱼饼 1块,切薄片 (可用肉丸或鱼丸)
冬菇 3朵,泡软切薄片
红萝卜 半只,去皮切薄片
白菜 6片,切小片
蒜茸 1大匙
姜片 4片
蛋 2个,打散

调味 :

做法 :
1. 热油锅,放入粿条,晒油和少许生抽快炒,盛起。(馃条须在下锅前弄散它,这样炒时才不会一坨坨。)

2. 热油锅,爆香香菇,鱼饼捞起。 再加入少许油,爆香姜片,蒜茸,放入肉片,炒至7分熟,倒入鸡汤,加入爆香了的香菇,鱼饼,红萝卜和白菜,大火煮滚,再转中火。

3. 当白菜煮软后,加入苏东,煮至熟透,调味后开始调入黍粉水。 初煮者,先把汤汁调到微稠,倒入蛋汁(绕着锅边慢慢倒入,不要搅拌它,让它稍微呈状),再以喜好的浓稠度调入剩余的黍粉水。



汁多汁少,随你钟意!不过孩子很喜欢多汁一点。。。不会很难的一道简单料理。。。Simple and easy to cook...


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Simply Cook!

Yesterday, my sister and her boyfriend, Kalvin, joined me for dinner, but it was a short notice and I have only 2 hours to prepare...Within the short time frame, I managed to find whatever I could from the fridge and defrost them. Finally, I managed 5 dishes and 1 soup within an hour!

Vegetarian Yam Roll

Special Sauce Steamed Stingray Fish

Potatoes Meat Cake in Oyster Sauce

Vegetables in Dry Scallop Sauce

Sambal Petai

RT Pastry House, Subang Jaya

Lately, I am so tempted with the cakes presented by RT Pastry Cake House at Subang Jaya. I seldom eat cake, but just can't stop that whenever I step into the shop...