材料 :
鱿鱼 1只 1 Sotong, cut into pieces
大葱 2粒 2 Onion, shredded
调味 :
番茄酱 5大匙 5 tbsp. Tomato Sauce
辣椒酱 1大匙 1 tbsp. Chilli Sauce
糖 1大匙 1 tbsp. Sugar
胡椒粉 适量 Some Pepper
水 100ml 100ml Water
黍粉(勾芡用) Corn flour mixed with 1 tbsp. of water for thickening
煮法 :
1. 鱿鱼切片状,放入滚水略烫过,捞起备用。大葱切丝。
Blanch the sotong for a while. Shredded the onion.
2. 热少许油,炒香大葱,加入鱿鱼拌炒,快速加入调味料,酸辣度可以个人喜好再调配。勾个芡即可上桌了。
Heat some oil, saute shredded onion until fragrant. Add sotong and stir-fry, mix well with seasoning and thicken with corn flour water.
hahaha, you are so funny, this dish look so delicious..
ReplyDeletehaha..no joke no laugh mah...不然很闷咯。。。会生菇的。。。