Friday, July 30, 2010
炒老鼠粉 Fried Loh Su Fun
以下的分量可供(4-5人份)- Portion below for 4-5 person serving
材料 - Ingredients :
老鼠粉 - 1 kg - Loh Su Fun
鱼饼 - 1片/1 bar - Fish Cake (cut in slice)
鸡肉/猪肉(切条)- 50g - Chicken/Pork (cut in slice)
虾仁 - 50g - Prawns (wash and drain)
鸡蛋 - 2粒 - Eggs
豆芽 - 100g - Sprouts (wash and drain)
蒜茸 - 1tbsp - Chopped Garlic
调味料- Seasoning :
盐 - 1 tsp - Salt
生抽 - 1 tsp - Light Soy Sauce
糖 - 1/2 tsp - Sugar
晒油 - 1/2 tsp - Dark Soy Sauce
胡椒粉适量 - Dash of Pepper
作法 - Method :
1. 鱼饼,猪肉/鸡肉切条,肉条用少许盐,胡椒粉和黍粉稍微腌过。虾仁去壳洗净,豆芽处理过洗净沥干备用。
--- Fish cake and meat cut in slice, marinate meat with some salt, pepper and corn flour. Shelled the prawn, wash and drain.
2. 热油锅,把鸡蛋炒过盛起。再热油锅,依次把虾仁,肉条,芽菜个别炒过盛起备用。
--- Heat up some oil, fry egg and dish out. Heat wok again with little oil, fry prawns, sliced meat, sprouts respectively, remove for later use.
3. 热油锅,爆香蒜茸,加入100ml的水煮滚,放入调味,加入老鼠粉炒匀,再加入炒好的鱼饼,肉条,虾仁,鸡蛋拌炒,最后,加入芽菜再炒匀即可。
--- Heat wok with little oil, saute chopped garlic, add in 100ml water to boil, add in seasoning and Loh Su Fun, stir well. Add in the remaining prepared ingredients(sprout will be the last to add in)and stir fry till gravy is almost thicken, dish and serve.
Note : The ingredients are up to own favourites. Normally, I use very little seasoning, it is adjustable to your own preferances always.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
咸鱼肉饼 Salted Fish Minced Meat
材料 - Ingredients :
肉碎 - 300g - Minced Meat
马鲛梅香咸鱼(煎香,切碎)- 50g - Mackerel Mui Heong Salted Fish (Pan-fried, chopped)
姜丝 - 1 tbsp - Shredded Ginger
青葱丝 - 2 tbsp - Shredded Spring Onion
调味料 - Seasoning :
生抽 - 1tsp - Light Soya Sauce
糖 - 1/2 tsp - Sugar
少许绍兴酒和胡椒粉 - Dash of Shaoxing Wine and pepper
黍粉 - 1 tbsp - Corn Flour
适量生菜铺底 - Some lettuce leaves for garnishing
做法 - Method :
1. 全部材料用大碗盛起,加入调味料充分拌匀至起胶。
--- Put all ingredients into a mixing bowl, add in seasoning and stir until the mixture is sticky.
2. 将肉茸做成1/2cm厚的小圆肉饼状。
--- Divide minced meat mixture into small portions. Shape into 1/2cm thick round patties.
3. 烧热5大匙油,放入肉饼煎至两面金黄色,即可用已铺上生菜的碟盛起享用。
--- Heat up 5 tbsp oil, put in meat patties and pan-fry until both sides are golden brown. Dish onto a platter lined with lettuce leaves. Serve.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
蒜泥白肉 Pork Belly with Garlic Sauce
材料 - Ingredient :
五花肉(皮) - 300g - Pork Belly (with skin)
沾酱 - Dipping Sauce :
生抽 - 50ml - Light Soy Sauce
糖 - 1tsp - Sugar
汆肉的水 - 3tbsp - Water (boiled with Pork Belly)
麻油 - 1/2tsp - Sesame Oil
蒜泥 - 2tbsp - Minced Garlic
芹菜叶/芫茜叶(剁碎) - 1tbsp - Local Celery/Coriander Leaves(Chopped finely)
指天椒(剁碎)- 1tsp - Chilli Padi (Chopped finely)
做法 - Method :
1. 烧热一锅水(要能泡过肉条),水滚后,放入五花肉,转中小火,煮20分钟或至熟,取出泡入水中片刻,沥干切薄片。(注:可用牙签试着刺进肉条,如果能轻易刺入,就熄火。)
--- Boil a pot of water (ensure to cover the pork belly), put in the pork belly cook for 20 minutes with medium low heat or until cooked. Soak cooked pork belly into water; rinse and cut slices. (You may use a tooth pick to test the meat.)
2. 沾汁煮法 :把生抽,糖,麻油和汆肉的水稍微加热,倒进碗里,加入蒜泥,芹菜碎和指天椒碎搅匀。
--- Dipping Sauce : Slightly heat up light soya sauce, sugar, sesame oil and water (boiled with pork belly)together, pour in a bowl and add in minced garlic, local celery and chilli padi, mix well.
Friday, July 23, 2010
蛋塔 Egg Tarts
食谱取之蔡高晋老师的‘撻入心扉’-- Recipe from 'Tarts My Heart' by Chef Kevin Chai
(A)撻皮 - Tart Crust
面粉 - 250g - Flour
奶粉 - 15g - Milk Powder
砂糖 - 60g - Castor Sugar
牛油 - 170g - Butter
蛋液 - 40g - Beaten Egg
香草精 - 1/2 tsp - Vanilla Essence
做法 - Method :
1. 将面粉,奶粉和砂糖混匀,加入牛油,搓成粒状,加入鸡蛋液和香草精,拌匀成面团。
--- To Make tart crust, combine flour, milk powder and castor sugar. Rub in butter until mixture resemble bread crumbs. Add in beaten egg, knead to forms dough.
2. 把面团用保鲜膜包好,既刻冷藏半小时,备用。
--- Wrap the dough with plastic wrap, refrigerate for half an hour until ready to use.
塔皮捏法 - Pressing dough method :
1. 将适量面团搓均匀,放入撻模里。
--- Roll out enough of dough, place into mould.
2. 两只拇指沾上少许面粉,把面团捏压至到模的边缘,双手转动模修边。
--- Touch some flour on both thumbs. Press the dough. Tim off edge.
撻馅 - Custard Filling :
清水 - 340ml - Water
砂糖 - 120g - Castor Sugar (I only used 100g)
鸡蛋 - 4 pcs. - Eggs
淡奶 - 50ml - Eveporated Milk
香草精 - 1/2tsp - Vanilla Essence
黄色素 - Few drops - Yellow Colouring
做法 - Method :
1. 将清水和砂糖煮沸,离火待冷却。
--- To make custard filling, bring water and sugar to boil, remove and leave to cool.
2. 将蛋汁打散,与冷却的蛋液,淡奶和香草精拌匀,最后调入黄色素。
--- Whisk eggs, combine with cooled syrup and the rest of ingredients. Lastly to adjust with yellow colouring.
3. 把撻馅过滤,注入撻皮模型中,盛入预热烤箱以180'C烘18-22分钟。
--- Bring filling through sieve, then pour into tart cases. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 18-22 minutes.
食谱取之蔡高晋老师的‘撻入心扉’-- Recipe from 'Tarts My Heart' by Chef Kevin Chai
(A)撻皮 - Tart Crust
面粉 - 250g - Flour
奶粉 - 15g - Milk Powder
砂糖 - 60g - Castor Sugar
牛油 - 170g - Butter
蛋液 - 40g - Beaten Egg
香草精 - 1/2 tsp - Vanilla Essence
做法 - Method :
1. 将面粉,奶粉和砂糖混匀,加入牛油,搓成粒状,加入鸡蛋液和香草精,拌匀成面团。
--- To Make tart crust, combine flour, milk powder and castor sugar. Rub in butter until mixture resemble bread crumbs. Add in beaten egg, knead to forms dough.
2. 把面团用保鲜膜包好,既刻冷藏半小时,备用。
--- Wrap the dough with plastic wrap, refrigerate for half an hour until ready to use.
塔皮捏法 - Pressing dough method :
1. 将适量面团搓均匀,放入撻模里。
--- Roll out enough of dough, place into mould.
2. 两只拇指沾上少许面粉,把面团捏压至到模的边缘,双手转动模修边。
--- Touch some flour on both thumbs. Press the dough. Tim off edge.
撻馅 - Custard Filling :
清水 - 340ml - Water
砂糖 - 120g - Castor Sugar (I only used 100g)
鸡蛋 - 4 pcs. - Eggs
淡奶 - 50ml - Eveporated Milk
香草精 - 1/2tsp - Vanilla Essence
黄色素 - Few drops - Yellow Colouring
做法 - Method :
1. 将清水和砂糖煮沸,离火待冷却。
--- To make custard filling, bring water and sugar to boil, remove and leave to cool.
2. 将蛋汁打散,与冷却的蛋液,淡奶和香草精拌匀,最后调入黄色素。
--- Whisk eggs, combine with cooled syrup and the rest of ingredients. Lastly to adjust with yellow colouring.
3. 把撻馅过滤,注入撻皮模型中,盛入预热烤箱以180'C烘18-22分钟。
--- Bring filling through sieve, then pour into tart cases. Bake in preheated oven at 180'C for 18-22 minutes.
Monday, July 12, 2010
芙蓉蛋 Scrambled Egg
材料 :
鸡蛋 4粒(B级)
虾仁 半碗(小虾)
红萝卜 半条(切丝)
大葱 一粒(切丝)
调味 :
盐 1/2茶匙
糖 1/4茶匙
胡椒粉 少许
鱼露 1/2茶匙(如没有,可则免)
做法 :
1. 热少许油,依次序把大葱丝,红萝卜丝,虾仁炒过后,剩入搅拌好的鸡蛋里拌匀。加入所有的调味再拌匀好蛋液备用。
2. 再热少许油,舀一大勺的(1)进入锅中,慢火把一面给煎透后再翻面(要快手一点)。用锅煎把蛋饼轻压,可以让蛋身快熟一点,以免外透内湿,影响口感。 两面都煎到金黄色后即可盛盘上桌。
材料 :
鸡蛋 4粒(B级)
虾仁 半碗(小虾)
红萝卜 半条(切丝)
大葱 一粒(切丝)
调味 :
盐 1/2茶匙
糖 1/4茶匙
胡椒粉 少许
鱼露 1/2茶匙(如没有,可则免)
做法 :
1. 热少许油,依次序把大葱丝,红萝卜丝,虾仁炒过后,剩入搅拌好的鸡蛋里拌匀。加入所有的调味再拌匀好蛋液备用。
2. 再热少许油,舀一大勺的(1)进入锅中,慢火把一面给煎透后再翻面(要快手一点)。用锅煎把蛋饼轻压,可以让蛋身快熟一点,以免外透内湿,影响口感。 两面都煎到金黄色后即可盛盘上桌。