这道菜真的是我的Secret Recipe, 其他的食谱有没有,我不知道,但,我已经煮了它20 年了。。。我告诉过很多的朋友怎么煮这道菜,她们都赞好,因为,材料简单,无油烟,味道又下饭,一举几得呢!不妨试一试!材料 : 鸡(1/4只),姜(15片),香茅(1支).
调味料 : 耗油(2汤匙),晒油(半茶匙),糖(1茶匙),米酒/绍兴酒(1茶匙),麻油(少许),水(半碗).
Ingredient : Chicken (1/4 of whole chicken), Ginger (15 slices), Lemon Grass (1 stack).
Seasoning : Oyster sauce (2 tbl.sp.), Thick Soy Sauce (1/2 tea sp.), Sugar (1 tea sp.), Chinese Wine (1 tbl.sp.), Sesame oil(1/2 tea sp.), water (1/2 bowl).
把所有的材料和调味料放入锅中,搅拌均匀,开火焖煮.等到大滚后,转中火焖煮.每隔5分钟就搅拌一下,以免煮焦.如果煮到水要干了,还可以再加水.焖煮的要点是不能太小火,和水不能太少.焖煮20 分钟后就可以了!
Put all the ingredients and seasoning into the pot and start cooking. Cover and leave to boil on high heat. After boiled remain lower heat and keep stirring every 5 mins. to prevent over cooked. Water can be added whenever the gravy is getting lesser. Stewed with 20 mins. will do!
这道菜还可以随意加进金针菇,蘑菇,千禧菇,香菇...很下饭的哦...You can simply add in any type of mushroom like button mushroon, chinese mushroom etc...Yummy!
姜和麻油的分量是可以依个人的喜好而加多或少的...Ginger and sesame oil is adjustable to your preferance...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
我给这道菜取名取得对吗?我本人就超爱这道菜! 当我16岁时。。。就开始‘钻研’了! 那时,爸妈都在外地工作,我是老大,就得负起照顾弟妹的责任,他们时常都‘点’这道‘咕噜肉’配白饭,而每次在外用膳都发现,为什么那些汁给的这么少,酱‘孤寒’的? 所以,每次我在家煮时,都会把酱汁煮多点,好让他们‘浇’得痛快!
I love to use pork belly to cook this dish, cause most of the time the lean meat is too dry for kids. 'Massaging' the meat piece is extremely important especially on the fats. I will suggest to use knife instead of back knife to beat the meat piece. You will find the texture is very soft to bite and I can use my kids' spoon to cut the pork easily...Can you imagine how much I have done onto the 'massaging'. You may use lean meat to cook it too!
材料:五花肉1条(300g, 去皮),大葱(1颗,切丁块),青灯笼椒(半颗,切丁块),黄梨(一片,切丁块),粟米粉(大量)。
腌肉料:盐(半茶匙),糖(一茶匙),酱油(一茶匙),麻油(少许),米酒/绍兴酒(1汤匙), 蛋(1颗)。
调味料: 番茄酱(4大匙),辣椒酱(少许),糖(两汤匙), 酸梅酱(没有就免了),水。
Ingredient : Pork Belly (300g, without skin), 1 onion (diced), half a green pepper (diced), 1 slice of pineapple (diced), half a bowl of corn flour.
Marinade : 1/2 tsp. salt, 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tsp. light soya sauce, some sesame oil, 1 tbsp. cooking wine, 1 egg.
Seasoning : 4 tbsp. Tomato Sauce, 1 tbsp. Chilli Sauce, 2 tbsp. Sugar, 1 bowl of water.
首先,将五花肉切块状,用刀剁松它,尤其是油脂的部分,再放入腌肉料。 在开始腌了半小时把放在容器里的肉翻一翻才放入冰厨腌过夜。起油锅,把腌了的肉沾上粟米粉,轻拍,下油锅炸。炸至金黄捞起备用。把多余的油盛起,留少数在锅里,倒入黄梨,青灯笼椒,大葱拌炒,放入水,把调味倒进继续拌炒。 如果汤汁太稀薄,可以打个芡, 那么酱汁才可以裹在肉块上。 最后,倒入炸好的肉块,快速拌炒均匀,上桌即可。以上的分量就如图所示, 可供3-4人分。
First, cut pork belly into cube shape, beat with knife especially the fats, add in marinade. Mix the pork belly again after 1/2 hour marinated and keep into fridge for overnight. Heat up oil for deep-frying, coat the pork belly with corn flour, shake off the excess flour. Deep-fry meat pieces till golden brown, dish and drain. Leave 1 tbsp. oil in wok, stir-fry diced pineapple, green pepper and onion, pour in the seasoning and water bring to boil, thicken the sauce if necessary. Lastly, add the fried meat pieces, mix well and dish onto a serving plate. The portion as shown above for 3-4 persons.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
鱼肉蛋卷Fish Paste in Egg Crepe
This dish was taught by my mother-in-law. Hubby always 'miss' his mum's cook and remind me to do for him...it's quite an easy dish and most of you can learn as simple as it is.
开餐了!Makan Time!
Mix 3 eggs and fry as egg crepe...把3粒蛋搅匀,用平底锅煎成蛋皮备用。这里,我做了2片蛋皮。
Paste the fishpaste on the egg crepe evenly, roll over and steam for 10 mins...把绞鱼肉均匀的涂在蛋皮上,卷起再蒸10分钟就可以了。
The bigger the egg crepe, the better you can roll with good taste of it...蛋皮做大一点和厚一点,会卷得更好看美味。
Dip with chilly or tomato sauce...沾点辣椒酱或番茄酱吃也可以。。。
开餐了!Makan Time!
Mix 3 eggs and fry as egg crepe...把3粒蛋搅匀,用平底锅煎成蛋皮备用。这里,我做了2片蛋皮。
Paste the fishpaste on the egg crepe evenly, roll over and steam for 10 mins...把绞鱼肉均匀的涂在蛋皮上,卷起再蒸10分钟就可以了。
The bigger the egg crepe, the better you can roll with good taste of it...蛋皮做大一点和厚一点,会卷得更好看美味。
Dip with chilly or tomato sauce...沾点辣椒酱或番茄酱吃也可以。。。
Sunday, September 20, 2009
木瓜炖冰糖雪耳 Papaya & Fungus Soup
这是一道很滋润的甜品,适合一家大小。因为最近的天气不好,刚巧又有青木瓜,就炖了这个甜汤给孩子们吃。 这么巧,我常看的Nancy Mommy blog 也煮了这道糖水,看来,是应该常喝来养颜一下哦!
材料 : 青木瓜(1个),雪耳(1朵,泡软),红枣(15颗),蜜枣(2颗),杞子(1 大匙),南北杏(各1汤匙),冰糖(适量)。
步骤 :青木瓜削皮,切块(大概可切成16-20块)。 红枣,杞子稍微洗净备用。把青木瓜,红枣,杞子,蜜枣和水放入slow cooker炖2个小时。
在要好的半个小时前,加入雪耳,这样才不会将雪耳煮至太软。 时间到了,试试味道,在放入冰糖调味。 熄火,趁热享用。
材料 : 青木瓜(1个),雪耳(1朵,泡软),红枣(15颗),蜜枣(2颗),杞子(1 大匙),南北杏(各1汤匙),冰糖(适量)。
步骤 :青木瓜削皮,切块(大概可切成16-20块)。 红枣,杞子稍微洗净备用。把青木瓜,红枣,杞子,蜜枣和水放入slow cooker炖2个小时。
在要好的半个小时前,加入雪耳,这样才不会将雪耳煮至太软。 时间到了,试试味道,在放入冰糖调味。 熄火,趁热享用。
香茅鸡 Lemon Grass Chicken
This morning, I was waiting to buy chicken at the stall, 2 ladies chitchat there about how to make varieties dish with chicken...this is the new dish I overhead from one of them...trying out tonight...
材料: 鸡腿(2支),香茅(1支-大),蒜头(6瓣),红葱头(6 大粒)。
调味 : 盐,黑胡椒粉,耗油,糖,水。
下油锅,炒香捣烂的香料,再下鸡肉块,快炒。当肉7 分熟时, 加入水和调味。 焖煮20 分钟后,即可上桌。捣烂的香料和鸡块一起吃是很美味的。
虾球炒杂锦菜。 青红黄灯笼椒,西兰花,西芹,都是我的最爱!
我的糯米鸡 Lo Mai Kai
It had been 8 years past, I didn't cook this dish. Whenever I have the mood to cook, it will always fall around chinese dumpling season, as dumpling also wrapped with glutionuos rice, so I will only keep the mind aside, but forgot it at all later!
One day, I made up my mind to make it without any plan! Here's my 'lo mai 'kai'...
One day, I made up my mind to make it without any plan! Here's my 'lo mai 'kai'...
糯米的调味料:酱油,蚝油,晒油,糖,胡椒粉,麻油, 油。
腌肉的调味料:盐, 糖,酱油,蚝油,麻油,晒油,胡椒粉,酒。
糯米泡过夜,沥干,放入锅中隔水蒸45分钟。 待稍冷,加入糯米的调味料搅拌均匀。